Touchstone Family Association
Strengthening Families • Building Community

Touchstone is a non-profit community based social service agency. We have been providing services to Richmond and nearby areas since 1983.

Our services have primarily focused on preserving and enhancing family relationships. Through qualified staff, we offer a wide variety of professional services to the community.

Community Action Program for Children (CAP-C)



The Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) aims to improve healthy child development by improving parenting skills and parent-child relationships and decreasing social isolation. The program is provided in Cantonese and Mandarin, offering a positive learning experience for children (aged 0-6) and their families. CAPC facilitators lead fun learning activities where children find opportunities to make friends and interact with others of similar ages. CAPC facilitators support caregivers to expand their social support networks, share experiences, and learn more about community resources.

CAPC Program offers positive learning experiences for children age 0-6 and their families at Woodward Elementary School every Monday and Wednesday 9:15 - 11:15am

To view the schedule click here

In July and August, CAPC runs an eight-week summer program full of fun activities in local parks. Children age 0-6 and their families are welcome to join us! Pre-registration for summer program is required.

Click here to view the summer program schedule and registration details.

In addition to CAPC in-person programs for children and their families, the Touchstone Early Years staff continues to provide outreach support for families through the  Richmond Early Years Outreach Program.


CAP-C is a federally funded program that provides a supportive learning environment and community support to parents, grandparents, caregivers and their children aged 0-6 years.


  • Promote health and social development of children (Age: 0-6 )
  • Build a social support network for families
  • Family empowerment (education/community resources)


  • Chinese family support groups
  • Summer recreation programs in partnership with Richmond Family Place
  • Community support in Strong Start Programs

Click HERE to meet our staff.

For more information and/or to volunteer, contact Annie Leung.


 English Brochure:


Chinese Brochure:



 Join us on WeChat: QrCode-EarlyYears.png

Francis House

prog francis1The Francis House Youth Wellness Program:

  • is a five-bed treatment program located in Vancouver
  • provides care and treatment services for youth with severe behavioural and emotional difficulties
  • encourages social skills development
  • supports development of academic and life skills 
  • offers interaction with and support services for the natural family
  • offers participation in community activities and recreational opportunities

Francis House staff are an incredibly committed team dedicated to helping the house residents experience a better life.  It is a very intense environment, and takes a great deal of skill, patience and understanding.  Staff members assist young people to develop self-awareness, social skills and sensitivities to the needs of others and to understand their own behaviours.

The referral process for Francis House is directly through the Ministry of Children and Family Development resources.

For more information contact Chris Samulak.

Transition to Independence

Transition to Independence Program Description

Touchstone Family Association has operated the Transition to Independence Program since April, 2015. The Life Skills Counsellors provide services and support for youth aged 16-19 who are either; in care, transitioning to independent living or on youth agreements.  The referral agents for this program are the youth social workers of the Ministry of Children and Family Development, who provide the specific goals of service for each youth as agreed on in the Youth Independence Planner.  The services are provided in practical settings that will best suit the youth’s needs, such as in office, in community, in school, in home or outreach.

Transition to Independence Program Goals and Objectives

  1. To provide service interventions for youth in developing adult competencies to achieve independent living with confidence and success
  2. To collaborate with youth and social worker in developing and achieving goals set forth in Independence Planner
  3. To provide outreach service in addressing housing related activities including searches and advocacy, education regarding tenancy rights, securing safe and affordable housing, maintaining stable housing
  4. To assist with life skills development in areas including budgeting and finance, food preparation, and proper identification
  5. To assist youth in accessing and achieving success with community supports providing employment and/or educational/vocational opportunities.
  6. To provide youth with ongoing monitoring and assessing on going goals of service as established by the Ministry of Children and Families social worker.
  7. To provide weekly updates to social worker and facilitating any necessary adjustments for youth support service plan.

Referrals are made by MCFD only. 

Family Preservation & Family Reunification Program (FPFR)

stone family1We provide a range of counselling, and support services for family, youth and children. We work with a variety of modalities, and we offer therapeutic art and play activities, and address issues involving child protection, blended family, family preservation work, family of origin work, child abuse prevention, healing, anger management and couples work.

TFA provides in-home/office counselling to families in crisis. Family Preservation & Family Reunification Program (FPFR) is geared to families likely to breakdown without intervention.

TFA works with children, youth and their families on an outreach basis. The services include counselling work with children and youth, teaching parenting skills child development and connecting families to available resources.

FPFR also provides a crisis intervention service for parents and teens experiencing difficulties living together. With the TFA counsellor communication will be enhanced promoting conflict resolution skills within the family preventing family breakdown.

Click HERE to meet our Counsellors.

For more information contact us.

Funded by:

Province of BC

Our Services:

Please click the following links to see details of our services

Breaking BARRiers (formerly Stressed Teens)

Cantonese Mandarin Support Group


Men, Anger and Family

My Tween and Me

What is Needed to make a Difference

Thank you to our funders for their ongoing support for Touchstone Programs and Services

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