Touchstone Family Association
Strengthening Families • Building Community

Touchstone is a non-profit community based social service agency. We have been providing services to Richmond and nearby areas since 1983.

Our services have primarily focused on preserving and enhancing family relationships. Through qualified staff, we offer a wide variety of professional services to the community.

Complex Developmental Behavioural Conditions / Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (CDBC/FASD)

prog cdbc-157x300Complex Developmental Behavioural Conditions (CDBC) is a term used to describe significant difficulties that may affect an individual in multiple areas of functioning. These include learning, development, mental health, adaptive behaviour and social skills. An example of a CDBC is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FASD is the term used to describe the range of effects caused by drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Families face many challenges trying to meet the needs of a child with CDBC or FASD.

A Touchstone FASD/CDBC Keyworker will: • Support families through the referral, assessment, and diagnostic process • Link families to appropriate community service providers • Link families to healthcare professionals • Provide education to parents, caregivers, and the general public. • Facilitate the development of a Parent Support Group. • Assist caregivers to develop a comprehensive service plan to meet the needs of the child.

Eligibility: All parents/caregivers of children and youth (0 to 18) who: • Live in the City of Richmond • Have a diagnosis or are in the process of getting a diagnosis of FASD • Demonstrate a Complex Behavioural Developmental Condition

There is no fee for this service. Community agencies, social workers and private individuals can request assistance.

For more information contact Daphne Meyer-MacLeod or Michelle Hubble

Supervised Access

prog supervised

Touchstone’s supervised access program is provided to Richmond based families involved with the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). The program offers an opportunity for children who have been separated from their parents and/or extended family members to visit in an atmosphere of safety and support, under the guidance of a Family Support Worker. The program provides visits in a variety of settings, reunifying families in the community, their own homes, and/or virtually online.

Please note, supervised access is a gated program and only accessible by the Richmond MCFD office. We are unable to accommodate private, court-mandated cases.

Meet our Staff

For further information on the program, please contact Nicole Cartier



Community Assesment and Action Network (CAAN)

story1StreetSmarts evolved from the Community Assessment and Action Network (CAAN).  The CAAN is a working network of government agencies and service providers who work to address issues of gang violence in the city of Richmond.  The StreetSmarts Youth Leadership Program was developed by the Richmond CAAN to support youth who are at risk of gang involvement. The objective of the program is to support these at-risk youth to recognize the impact of their current choice of lifestyle and in turn, empower them to make better life choices. This is conducted through a series of weekly workshops with the additional support of one-to-one mentorship. Our approach is to challenge the youth to examine issues such as peer influence and the impact of gang involvement on their lives, including family, school and community.  We engage the youth in recreational and educational activities that the youth feel are of significance to them in reducing barriers to positive change.

The program supports youth who:

  • Have a history of violence, use of force and/or use of weapons
  • Have shown interest in gang involvement or engage in “gang-like” activities
  • Have a history or interest in dealing drugs
  • Could benefit from mentorship and support

Elegibility Criteria:

  • Youth aged 13-18 (male and female)
  • Resident of Richmond
  • Be committed to meeting twice a week, for two hour sessions, for a 12 week period
  • Have an interest in issues impacting youth in the community of Richmond
  • Comfortable working with others and independently

Benefits to Participants:

  • An honorarium for completing the program
  • Cover travel costs (bus tickets)
  • Reference to use on resume
  • Snacks during sessions
  • One-to-one mentorship

Plus an opportunity to develop the following skills: Leadership skills; problem solving skills; presentation skills; connecting with community; working with community organizations, an opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals and a chance to make a difference in your community.

Click here to meet our Counsellors.

For more information about this project please contact Carol Hardie, Richmond CAAN Coordinator.

Generously funded by:

Province of BC     COR colour      Coast Savings


Wednesday Social Recreation Group

The Wednesday Social Recreation Group runs bi-weekly Wednesday’s throughout the school year to offer community recreation opportunities in a small, supervised setting for youth. 

Thank you to our funders for their ongoing support for Touchstone Programs and Services

BCID Supported H RGB pos city of richmond CanadaLogo United Way BC TCSI LOGO