Touchstone Family Association
Strengthening Families • Building Community

Touchstone is a non-profit community based social service agency. We have been providing services to Richmond and nearby areas since 1983.

Our services have primarily focused on preserving and enhancing family relationships. Through qualified staff, we offer a wide variety of professional services to the community.

Breaking BARRiers

BBRESET/Family Preservation & Family Reunification Program Services

Touchstone Family Association’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens (MBSR-T) program is designed for youth ages 13-19.  It is a no-cost group for adolescents who are struggling with stress, anxiety, anger, and/or need emotional regulation. This program utilizes mindfulness and CBT in a group setting to develop self-awareness, self-regulation and coping skills for adolescents. 

The name Breaking BARRiers was chosen to reflect the barriers society places on us as well as the walls that we put up ourselves.  This group aims to help youth bring down these walls and open up, with the hopes of moving forward with confidence, skills, and calmness.  We utilize the acronym BARR to reflect this process when we are faced with challenges: Breathe, Anchor, Relax, Reconnect.

Breaking BARRiers runs twice yearly, in Fall and Spring.  Referrals are accepted on an ongoing basis to be added to the next upcoming group.  This is an in-person group that runs for 8 consecutive weeks. 

Referrals are currently being accepted by filling out a referral form. The group is open to any youth residing in Richmond.  Once a referral is received, we will contact the youth directly to set up an interview with them prior to the group start date.

Please see the poster for more information

If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Gault

Men, Anger and the Family

Family Preservation & Family Reunification Program Services

s anger

The group will meet once a week for 9 consecutive weeks and will be facilitated by a male counsellor.  The sessions will consist of integrated psycho-education and group conversation, as well as videos and group exercises.  This group is designed for any man who is or has been physically or verbally abusive to his partner and/or children.

Click here to download the group information flyer.

For more information regarding this program including referrals please contact Jeff Markusoff.

My Tween and Me

Family Preservation & Family Reunification Program Services

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This 6-week, 12-hour group is for parents of children between the ages 7-12.  The parents meet to refine and develop their parenting and communication skills needed to help prevent drug use/misuse by their children.  Topics include how pre-teens are changing physically and emotionally, communicating with pre-teens, encouraging self-esteem, teaching good decision-making skills and discipline.

For more information, contact Fion Cheng.

To Download or view the "My Tween and Me" flyer, please click HERE.


Thank you to our funders for their ongoing support for Touchstone Programs and Services

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